Class of 1978 Scholarship Fund

Class of 1978 Scholarship Fund

July 15, 2024

Dear OHS Class of ’78 Pirate Alumni,

As many of us look back on our years at Oceanside High School, I think you will agree that our time at OHS provided us all an amazing foundation from which we launched into the world.   While our individual journeys have taken us far and wide, our minds and hearts are firmly rooted here in Oceanside and in our beloved OHS.

Recently, many of our classmates (and El Camino Wildcat alumni as well)  gathered and reminisced, laughed and caught up with each other with many stories recounted of our days together.    Some of us discussed how we can support OHS and the graduating Pirates.    

“Once A Pirate, Always A Pirate”.

It is in this spirit that I am reaching out to you.   We, the class of ’78 have an opportunity to “pay it forward” for the graduating Pirates and support their advanced education by establishing a class of ’78 scholarship fund.   The Class of ’78 scholarship fund will be administered by the OHS Foundation.

Our objective is to raise $2,000 - $3000 this year to award the first scholarship(s) in 2025.  We are looking for donations of $100 but will accept any amount you feel comfortable within supporting our campaign.  While we will accept funds year-round, our fundraising drive will happen in the 7th and 8th month of each year to fund our scholarships the following spring.    

Your Class of ’78 scholarship committee team; Tom Kimbrel, Darryl Wilson and I who will work together to refine the scholarship fund selection criteria and coordinate closely with the OHS foundation and outreach to fellow Pirate Classmates.  We’ll be reaching out soon this summer with more updates on this year’s fund drive.

Looking forward to hearing from you all in showing our Pirate Pride to our current and future Pirates!

All the Best,

Tom, Darryl & Bob

Tom Kimbrel, Darryl Wilson, and Bob Ashton

OHS Class of ‘78


Please go to the donate page, select your payment method and be sure to add in the notes “donation for the OHS class of ’78 scholarship fund”,

Or send a check to the OHS foundation, again, being sure to add “donation for OHS class of ’78 scholarship fund” and send it to OHS Foundation P.O. Box 58, Oceanside CA 92049.